CISM Foundation for Montessori Education





Embracing the past, enriching the present, envisioning the future...

On the one hand there is the psychological reality of a child of this age, that is to say his particular needs and characteristics. On the other hand there is the answer, that of sowing the seeds of culture, which means the exploration of all subjects through appropriate materials and activities. Then there is the way, that of correlating the subjects with one another by means of the central and inspiring idea of the cosmic plan. This threefold approach constitutes the structure of the course.

For the ages 6 to 12 "subjects of instruction can become a real help to development... they are absorbed with extraordinary intensity. Thus culture becomes identifiable with the construction of the personality itself; we might say culture incarnates itself within the being and lives." Maria Montessori, Trinity College Cambridge, 1935

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Bergamo Skyline

During the academic year 2024-2025, the Bergamo Centre will be holding its 64th fulltime annual course: years that represent a constant and profound commitment to the work carried on in the name of both Maria and Mario Montessori.

Course Dates: September 2nd, 2024 - June 30th, 2025
Course Director: Baiba Krumins Grazzini